Hello Hello! How are my dear fans doing ? As for me, I had a sudden light bulb moment in a cafe while I was working on Kampung Singapura. I have decided to create a new page the ‘Handy Green Kitchen Tips’. Having a spotless and tidy kitchen I believe will also create and stimulate an exciting environment for you to cook. I will be providing kitchen tips on a weekly basis. I hope you find them useful. My focus will be on using environmentally friendly ways to keep the kitchen clean and tidy. My husband and I over the years in Australia have stopped using products that harm the environment. As much as possible, we make natural and organic purchases for all our household cleaning stuff. They are a bit pricey I have to admit but we personally feel that its better than going to bed knowing we have just used a product that affects the environment. We have recently started experimenting with essential oils. I use lavender essential oil diluted in water to mop the kitchen these days. I also use it diluted with white vinegar as my softener when washing clothes. Its been an amazing experience. I will share more in the weeks to come. I believe its always a nice feeling to go to bed at night knowing deep inside that you are in a little way working to protect our beautiful Mother Earth. Hope you enjoy this new page and please feel free to provide suggestions.